MCT Regional Lead 2024

MCT Regional Lead

We are glad to announce that Pi9’s founder, Narayan Solanki, has been selected the Microsoft Certified Trainer Regional Lead for the year 2024.

Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) Regional Leads are selected individuals whoย support MCTs and provide community connections.ย They also help to establish connections between Microsoft and MCTs around the world.ย 

MCT Regional Leads have the following responsibilities: 

  • Promote MCT career opportunities
  • Mentor new trainers
  • Advocate for programs and resources that meet MCT needs
  • Provide support to local MCTs
  • Provide connections inside the community

To become a MCT Regional Lead, an individual must be an active MCT and Microsoft then selects the regional leads.ย 

The Microsoft Certified Trainer program is an annual membership program.ย To renew the training certification, individuals must meet the program requirements, complete an online application, and pay an annual fee.

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